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Entries Tagged as 'Post Termination Restrictions after Signing a Compromise Agreement'

Employment Law, Redundancy, Compromise Agreements, Confidentiality, Trade Secrets

March 23rd, 2012 · No Comments · Breach of Confidential Information, Choosing an Independent Legal Advisor to provide Advice on the Terms of your Compromise Agreement, Compromise Agreement Solicitor, Compromise Agreement Solicitors, Compromise Agreements, Confidentiality Provisions in a Compromise Agreements, Curriculum Vitae (CV), Employment Lawyers, Employment Solicitors, Job Interview, Post Termination Restrictions after Signing a Compromise Agreement, Redundancies, Redundancy, Redundancy law, Restrictive Covenants

Confidentiality is tantamount to employment and is something we, as employment lawyers always advise upon when it comes to redundancies. We are still seeing that the scope of confidentiality in UK employment law and the repercussions for its breach are not being appreciated. Prospective employees should be aware of what they can say to prospective […]


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Employment Law, Compromise Agreements, Confidentiality, Post-Termination Restriction

January 31st, 2012 · No Comments · Compromise Agreement Solicitor, Compromise Agreement Solicitors, Compromise Agreements, Confidentiality Provisions in a Compromise Agreements, Employment Lawyers, Employment Solicitors, Employment Tribunals, HMRC, Independent Legal Advice, Necessity for Legal Advice on the Terms of Your Compromise Agreement, Post Termination Restrictions after Signing a Compromise Agreement, Redundancies, Redundancy, Redundancy law, Restrictive Covenants

We commonly receive the question “what is a compromise agreement?” from clients and more particularly, enquiries as to the remit of confidentiality provisions in compromise agreements. When advising on redundancy rights we make clear confidentiality means that you cannot disclose, not only the compromise agreement itself and its terms, but also the fact that you entered […]


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Employment Law, Restrictive Covenants, Employment Contracts, Compromise Agreements

January 17th, 2012 · No Comments · Compromise Agreement Solicitor, Compromise Agreement Solicitors, Compromise Agreements, Contract of Employment, Employment Lawyers, Employment Solicitors, Independent Legal Advice, Non Compete, Non Solicitation, Post Termination Restrictions after Signing a Compromise Agreement, Redundancies, Redundancy, Redundancy law, Restrictive Covenants

Following our post below, we often advise employees on other provisions that apply upon termination of employment (that is, aside from confidentiality), including non-solicitation and non-compete provisions. Non-solicitation provisions prohibit ex-employees from soliciting/dealing with certain individuals closely related to their ex-employers (employees, customers and suppliers). Non-compete provisions prohibit ex-employees from setting up a business which […]


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Employment Law, Redundancy, Confidentiality, Redundancy Pay

December 15th, 2011 · No Comments · Compromise Agreement Solicitor, Compromise Agreement Solicitors, Compromise Agreements, Confidentiality Provisions in a Compromise Agreements, Contract of Employment, Employment Lawyers, Employment Solicitors, Independent Legal Advice, Necessity for Legal Advice on the Terms of Your Compromise Agreement, Post Termination Restrictions after Signing a Compromise Agreement, Redundancies, Redundancy, Redundancy law, Redundancy Pay, Repayment of Redundancy Pay, Restrictive Covenants

Some employees are still not aware of the importance of confidentiality and complying with those provisions within their employment contracts as well as the confidentiality provisions within their compromise agreements. A breach of any of these provisions will in most cases, and at the very least, lead to the employees being made to repay any […]


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Post-termination Provisions in Employment Contracts, Compromise Agreement

October 21st, 2011 · No Comments · Breach of Confidential Information, Compromise Agreement Solicitor, Compromise Agreement Solicitors, Compromise Agreements, Confidentiality Provisions in a Compromise Agreements, Contract of Employment, Employment Lawyers, Employment Solicitors, Independent Legal Advice, Non Solicitation, Post Termination Restrictions after Signing a Compromise Agreement, Redundancies, Redundancy, Redundancy law, Redundancy Pay, Restrictive Covenants, Signing Compromise Agreements

Even when an employee is signing a compromise agreement, the employee should always refer to the post-termination provisions in the employee’s employment contract. If in doubt seek advice on employment law. If you require further information please contact us at or visit one of the following pages on employment law: © […]


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Employment Law, Confidentiality, Trade Secrets, Redundancy Payment

October 19th, 2011 · No Comments · Breach of Confidential Information, Choosing an Independent Legal Advisor to provide Advice on the Terms of your Compromise Agreement, Compromise Agreement Solicitor, Compromise Agreement Solicitors, Compromise Agreements, Confidentiality Provisions in a Compromise Agreements, Employment Lawyers, Employment Solicitors, Keeping the Terms of your Compromise Agreement Confidential, Post Termination Restrictions after Signing a Compromise Agreement, Redundancies, Redundancy, Redundancy law, Redundancy Pay, Restrictive Covenants

Employees sometimes do not realise the importance of the need to keep the business affairs, trade secrets, marketing information and financial information about their employers confidential, especially post-termination. A breach of a compromise agreement may result in the employee having to repay the redundancy payment. If you require further information please contact us at or visit […]


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Compromise Agreement, Redundancy, Employment Law, Negotiating Terms

September 26th, 2011 · No Comments · Breach of Confidential Information, Compromise Agreement Solicitor, Compromise Agreement Solicitors, Compromise Agreements, Confidentiality Provisions in a Compromise Agreements, Job Offer, Post Termination Restrictions after Signing a Compromise Agreement, Redundancy

Following our entry below, we have found that those working within creative industries where prospective employers would need to see examples of previous work, may wish to agree with current employers a list of projects they are able to keep as part of their portfolio. As below, this can conflict with your confidentiality obligations. This […]


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Compromise Agreement – Post Termination Provisions – Redundancy

June 22nd, 2011 · No Comments · About Compromise Agreement Blog, Compromise Agreement Solicitor, Compromise Agreement Solicitors, Compromise Agreements, Employment Lawyers, Employment Solicitors, Employment Tribunals, Post Termination Restrictions after Signing a Compromise Agreement, Redundancies, Redundancy, Redundancy law, Restrictive Covenants, Return of Company Property after Signing a Compromise Agreement, Settlement Payment, Severance Pay, Termination Date, Termination of Employment, Termination Payment, Your Compromise Agreement is a Binding Contract

We are advising a number of employees on post termination provisions in their contracts of employment and compromise agreements. You must ensure as an employee that you are not setting up in competition with your employer or soliciting any of your employer’s clients. You must take advice on post termination provisions in your compromise agreements.


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Employment Law , Employee Rights

October 4th, 2010 · 1 Comment · About Compromise Agreement Blog, Compromise Agreement Solicitor, Compromise Agreement Solicitors, Compromise Agreements, Contract of Employment, Employment Lawyers, Employment Solicitors, Employment Tribunals, Post Termination Restrictions after Signing a Compromise Agreement, Signing Compromise Agreements, Termination of Employment, Termination Payment

Employers are using compromise agreements a lot more nowadays especially if the working relationship has broken down and the employer and employee have decided to part waves. The key point is that both parties must ensure that the terms of the compromise agreement reflect their reqirements. There are standard clauses that are always included in such […]



Employment law Advice For Employers, Redundancies, Compromise Agreements – Offer of Employment

July 2nd, 2010 · No Comments · About Compromise Agreement Blog, Compromise Agreement Solicitor, Compromise Agreement Solicitors, Compromise Agreements, Employment Lawyers, Employment Solicitors, Job Offer during consultation period, Offer of Employment, Post Termination Restrictions after Signing a Compromise Agreement, Redundancy, Redundancy Pay, Settlement Payment, Severance Pay, Signing Compromise Agreements, Statutory Redundancy Pay, Termination Date, Termination of Employment, Termination Payment

Where senior executives have been paid handsomely, they are usually required to sign a compromise agreement in which they would have to, for a period of twelve (12) months following the Termination Date,  undertake to notify the employer when an offer of alternative employment has been made and agree to provide the employer with such […]


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